Sholawat nariyah
Sholawat nariyah

sholawat nariyah

Wa tuqdhobihil hawa iju wa tunna lu bihiro ‘ibu wa husnul khowatim wa yustaqol ghomawu biwaj hihil kariim wa ‘ala aaliji washosbihi fii kulli lamhatin wa hafasim bi’adadi kulli ma’luu mi laka ya robbal ‘aalamiin.” Taman ‘ala sayyidina Muhammadiladzi tanhallu bihil ‘uqodu wa tanfariju bihil kurobu. “Allahumma sholli shollatan kamilah wa sallim salaman.

sholawat nariyah

This Salawat is intended to praise Rasulullah Shallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam for all of his efforts to spread Islam and establish tawhid at that time. Although some parties doubt it, reciting Salawat Nariyah is still allowed. The History and Reading of Salawat NariyahĪs this is mentioned earlier, that salawat nariyah was created by Syekh Nariyah as one form of praise too Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala. Syekh Nariyah lived in the era of Rasulullah Shallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam or he was known as one of companions the Prophet Muhammad Shallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam. It is called as Salawat Nariyah because there are people who said that this salawat was created by Syekh Nariyah. Salawat Nariyah is known as Salawat Tafrijiya.

sholawat nariyah

O you who have believed, ask blessing upon him and ask peace.” (Al-Ahzab : 56) “Indeed, Allah confers blessing upon the Prophey, and His angels. As it is mentioned in the following verse : While based on the terms, salawat is meant as praise to Rasulullah Shallallahu ‘alaihi Wasallam. And Allah is Hearing and Knowing.” (At-Taubah : 103)

sholawat nariyah

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Sholawat nariyah